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Marburger Farm Antique Show

Well, today we are at it again, we are at the official crazy, over-the-top Antique Show in Round Top, Texas! If you have never been, then it is very hard to describe, other than there is a strip of highway that goes between about 3 towns and there are pop up tents everywhere that look like towns their selves!

Today we chose to go to one of the more expensive ones called Marburger Farm. It is on 43 Acres out in the middle of nowhere with over 350 dealers in 9 huge tents. From the very first tent we entered, the pieces of furniture looked like they came directly from the design district from Downtown Dallas!!! OMG!! And let us be honest, so were the prices!!!

Here are some of the pictures I took today and my comments. You can click on the picture and see my comments.

There are so many things to see, that, yes it can be overwhelming!!! There were a few pictures that I did have fun with today. I really liked the Blue Bell Lamp and.....

seeing the Big Boy brought back all kinds of childhood memories!!

My all time favorite place at the Marberger Farms was a booth by Benton, Hayden & Associates, Inc. by Mary Jane Harris. It was beautiful and the colors all coordinated in navy blue, cream and gold. I would say that these colors, along with green and gold, so far look to be the new up and coming trend colors; based on what I have seen today. This was the very best of the best today and I found her booth before we left and asked if I could take a picture to share with all of you. They are on instagram as bentonhayden.



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